Thursday 11 September 2014

Meeting GracieFrancesca

So if you have already read my last post you will know that kind of recently I met Gracie Francesca who is a blogger/youtuber and if you don't know her YouTube channel it's uglyfaceofbeauty and here is Gracie's blog

So to cut it short because I don't want to ramble on loads, she was doing a meet up in Chatham which isn't too far away from my town, so me and my friend Sophie who also has a blog here, decided to go along as we thought why not and I am literally in love with her she is amazing. 

We got there a bit early so browsed around for a bit until her and the band she was with called MikeHoughMusic, which may I add were great.

Once she did arrive I almost did cry because she has just been such a massive inspiration too me so meeting her was just amazing we talked for quite a long time just about random shit but it was great she is sooooo down to earth and just had such a great vibe about her!

Here is one of the pictures we took throughout the afternoon.

Friday 22 August 2014

Results day

If you are from the UK and possibly other places you will know that yesterday was results day (I'm not too sure if it was in other countries). Now I basically was shitting myself so bad like I legit thought I was going to fail all my exams and being handed an envelope that predicts the variety of choices you have in the future is absolutely terrifying! However my results are pretty good if I do say so myself I mean I'm no straight A student but getting basically 8 C's, 1 B and only 2 D's is not too shabby.

Sending positive vibes to everyone else if you have taken any exams and well fucking done too all my friends you fucking shits!

And if anyone didn't get the results they wanted there is always resolutions as you can take the exams again whilst still doing what you want to do, so don't think this is the end of the world✌

Wednesday 7 May 2014


Oh what a lovely first post this is, so I am like any other 16 year old being put under extreme amounts of pressure right now, however I will try and update this as much as I can and try and stick to updating it. 

I do feel like when we do exams we are put in ridiculous situations, we are made to answer different papers and get graded on how much we know which we will then depend on for the rest of the time we roam this earth. However I do know it will be over in a short matter of time and I will then finally be able to move on and attempt to actually decide what I want to even have a go at in the future.

I know this is a very shitty first post but they will get better...I hope so anyway, do try and bare with me as I get use to this.