Thursday 11 September 2014

Meeting GracieFrancesca

So if you have already read my last post you will know that kind of recently I met Gracie Francesca who is a blogger/youtuber and if you don't know her YouTube channel it's uglyfaceofbeauty and here is Gracie's blog

So to cut it short because I don't want to ramble on loads, she was doing a meet up in Chatham which isn't too far away from my town, so me and my friend Sophie who also has a blog here, decided to go along as we thought why not and I am literally in love with her she is amazing. 

We got there a bit early so browsed around for a bit until her and the band she was with called MikeHoughMusic, which may I add were great.

Once she did arrive I almost did cry because she has just been such a massive inspiration too me so meeting her was just amazing we talked for quite a long time just about random shit but it was great she is sooooo down to earth and just had such a great vibe about her!

Here is one of the pictures we took throughout the afternoon.